informasi seputar dunia forex

Sunday 27 March 2022

Faucet dot io the crypto multiwallet

Apa yang dimaksud dengan Faucet

Istilah faucetpay sendiri sebenarnya mengacu pada kripto multiwallet yang bisa mempermudah kamu dan memungkinkan kamu untuk bisa mengumpulkan semua pendapatan secara lebih mudah.

Apakah Faucet crypto aman?
Selain itu, sebagian besar situs faucet crypto juga sudah aman dan terjamin. Kamu tidak perlu menyerahkan private key saat mulai melakukan tugas. Apabila terdapat situs yang meminta private key Anda,
Microwallet berfungsi sebagai titik koneksi antara faucet atau PTC dan pengguna akhir. Jadi faucet, dengan mengirimkan pembayaran kepada penggunanya melalui microwallet seperti FaucetPay, menghemat biaya dan mampu menurunkan penarikan minimum.

Dari sudut pandang pengguna, ini sangat berguna karena dapat menerima pembayaran tersebut dan mengirimkan jumlah total ke dompet cryptocurrency yang kita inginkan, membayar komisi rendah. Nah, mari kita lihat cara kerja FaucetPay!
Faucetpay adalah penyedia microwallet cryptocurrency memungkinkan Anda mengumpulkan semua pendapatan dan terima pembayaran instan dari ribuan situs web, dan tarik pembayaran dengan biaya yang sangat rendah, dengan pembayaran minimum yang rendah. Seperti Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ethereum, Dogecoin, Bitcoin Cash, dan lainnya.

FaucetPay sebagai perantara antara satu dompet dengan dompet lainnya. Hal yang paling menonjol tentang microwallet cryptocurrency adalah memungkinkan kita untuk melakukan transaksi cryptocurrency yang sangat rendah dengan hampir tidak ada biaya yang dikenakan kepada kita.

Di satu sisi, kita bisa menerima pembayaran dari beberapa faucet dan PTC di tempat yang sama. Dan yang kedua adalah pembayaran minimum yang akan diminta oleh faucet atau PTC tersebut kepada kita, akan jauh lebih rendah daripada faucet dan PTC yang membayar langsung ke dompet.

Selain bertindak sebagai perantara, FaucetPay bekerja dengan berbagai faucet. Faucet dari banyak cryptocurrency. Microwallet ini bahkan memungkinkan Anda membuat dan mengelola faucet. Hal terbaik tentang menggunakan faucet ini adalah semua keuntungan yang dihasilkan langsung masuk ke saldo.

Tidak ada pembayaran minimum atau penundaan waktu dalam pengumpulan. Klaim yang kami buat, keuntungan yang langsung masuk ke akun anda

Link Pendaftaran Faucet 

Wednesday 9 March 2022

Faucet Crypto Cocok Untuk Kaum Gretongers dan Rebahan

 Faucet crypto adalah salah satu cara memperoleh aset crypto secara gratis. Tapi benarkah metode ini cukup terpercaya untuk dilakukan? Apa saja keuntungan dan kekurangan dari faucet crypto? 

Apa Itu Faucet Crypto?

Faucet crypto adalah aplikasi atau situs website yang membagikan sejumlah kecil cryptocurrency secara gratis. Imbalan tersebut diberikan kepada pengguna yang berhasil menyelesaikan tugas seperti menonton iklan dan video produk, menyelesaikan kuis dan captcha, mendaftar sebuah layanan, atau bahkan bermain game. 

Besarnya imbalan yang diberikan tergantung pada kompleksitas tugas yang diberikan. Nantinya, imbalan cryptocurrency akan tersimpan dalam dompet mikro online pengguna di situs tersebut dan pengguna dapat melakukan penarikan cryptocurrency jika jumlahnya telah mencapai ambang batas minimum yang ditetapkan.

Faucet crypto adalah salah satu metode pengenalan aset crypto yang cukup populer beberapa tahun lalu. Ketika segala hal mengenai crypto masih tergolong baru, beberapa pihak membagikan cryptocurrency gratis dengan tujuan agar semakin banyak orang yang meluangkan waktu untuk belajar mengenai aset digital crypto dan berinvestasi di dalamnya.

Cara Kerja Faucet Crypto

Mekanisme faucet crypto didasarkan pada penyelesaian tugas yang diberikan oleh pihak situs atau website. Pertama-tama, pengguna biasanya diminta untuk mendaftar di faucet crypto terpercaya dengan mengisi identitas diri dan alamat dompet crypto pengguna. Setelah akun aktif, pengguna dapat memilih tugas yang ingin diselesaikan. 

Setelah berhasil menyelesaikan tugas di website, imbalan akan masuk ke dompet mikro online pengguna secara otomatis. Jika jumlah yang terkumpul sudah melebihi batas minimum, imbalan bisa ditransfer ke dompet crypto pengguna.

Keberadaan dompet mikro online yang disertakan dalam akun faucet difungsikan sebagai wadah untuk mengakumulasi imbalan cryptocurrency sebelum ditransfer ke dompet crypto utama milik pengguna. Hal ini dimaksudkan untuk menghemat biaya transaksi.

Jenis-Jenis Faucet Crypto

Faucet bitcoin adalah faucet koin pertama yang diperkenalkan oleh Gavin Andresen pada tahun 2010. Faucet BTC diperkenalkan ke publik ketika kesadaran masyarakat akan keberadaan crypto masih sangat rendah dan transaksi crypto masih jarang dilakukan. Ketika itu, website tersebut membagi-bagikan hingga 19.700 BTC kepada pengguna yang berhasil menyelesaikan captcha. Apabila dikonversi ke rupiah di masa sekarang, nilainya bisa mencapai 12 triliun rupiah. 

Faucet Ethereum

Pada dasarnya, faucet Ethereum memiliki cara kerja yang sama dengan bitcoin faucet. Bedanya, pengguna memperoleh imbalan berupa token ETH. Beberapa tugas yang diberikan adalah menyelesaikan captcha, menambang data, menonton iklan hingga bermain game. 

Dilansir dari E-Crypto News, Faucet ETH dinilai cukup menarik karena dalam kebanyakan program, pengguna bisa memperoleh 0,000002 ETH tiap sepuluh detik. Pengguna yang menyelesaikan tugas dengan baik dan memanfaatkan referensi juga memiliki kesempatan untuk mendapat tambahan 20% dari jumlah tersebut. Namun untuk mendapatkan sejumlah ETH, prosesnya cukup rumit dan memakan waktu yang  lama, setidaknya 3 jam. Pengguna juga harus menonaktifkan opsi pemblokiran iklan untuk dapat menonton sejumlah iklan dan pop up yang muncul di website.

Faucet Altcoin Lainnya

Selain Bitcoin dan Ether, faucet altcoin lain yang memberi imbalan berupa token dan cryptocurrency adalah: Tether, BNB, ChainLink, dan banyak lagi.

Apakah Faucet Crypto Terpercaya?

Meskipun cukup menarik untuk dilakukan, nyatanya hanya ada sebagian situs faucet crypto terpercaya. Beberapa analis dan ahli memperingatkan pengguna untuk berhati-hati dengan situs faucet crypto palsu dan situs yang memberikan bayaran tidak sepadan (imbalan terlalu sedikit dibandingkan beban kerja yang dilakukan).

Situs yang aman biasanya telah dipercaya banyak pengguna. Secara proses, faucet crypto dinilai cukup aman dan terjamin karena pengguna tidak perlu menyerahkan private key milik mereka. - Cloud mining cryptocurrency

Friday 4 March 2022

Web Faucet ter-Legit

 Faucet atau “kran” adalah istilah cryptocurrency yang mengacu kepada situs yang menyediakan bitcoin secara gratis. Selayaknya air yang menetes ke sebuah ember, pengguna yang ingin “ember”-nya penuh, harus menunggu dalam durasi tertentu. Tergantung seberapa besar “kran” bitcoin ini dibuka. 

Jadi secara singkat faucet bisa diartikan sebagai sistem hadiah yang memberikan hadiah dalam bentuk sebagian kecil bitcoin bagi pengunjung untuk diklaim. Hadiah tersedia untuk menarik pengunjung ke halaman web faucet. 

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Monday 24 January 2022


RollerCoin is the first online bitcoin mining simulator game. Earn real bitcoins while enjoying the game.

Saat ini bukan hal baru lagi jika game dapat menghasilkan cuan dengan kita memainkannya, tapi yang benar benar terbukti legit dan membayar mungkin tidak semua, Dari sekian banyaknya permainan yang terbukti membayar,rollercoin salah satu yang mungkin bisa kalian coba. Rollercoin adalah game simulasi penambangan crypto,jadi disini kita memainkan peran sebagai penambang mata uang crypto seperti bitcoin,doge,ethereum ataupun koin dari game ini sendiri yaitu RLC

Sama seperti penambang bitcoin di dunia nyata yang memerlukan seperangkat komputer dan alat tambang,disini kitapun juga seperti itu,hanya saja semua itu dalam bentuk virtual. Saat pertama kali mendaftar dan menjadi penambang pemula,kita akan mendapatkan perangkat penambangan dengan spek masih sederhana mulai dari pc dan kekuatan dalam menambangnya, Agar mesin penambang kita berjalan,kita harus memainkan beberapa minigame didalamnya,jika menang maka kita akan mendapat beberapa GHZ yang akan dijadikan power mesin penambang kita. Semakin banyak game yang berhasil kita menangkan,maka power yang kita hasilkan semakin besar dan akan mempengaruhi kecepatan mesin kita dalam menghasilkan pundi-pundi kripto dari sana

Bagaimana Cara Kerjanya?

Cara kerja dalam permainan penambangan ini bisa dibilang sangat mudah, yang hanya anda lakukan adalah seperti di bawah ini:

untuk daftar di rollercoin kamu bisa langsung pergi kesitus resmi webnya di atau kamu bisa langsung klik d sini

1. Kemudian pilih start mining

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3. Isi email

4.isi password

5.lalu centang kotak yang berisi kalimat i accept our terms of use and our privacy policy (kotak lain bisa kamu abaikan )

6.lalu klik menu click to verify - geser puzzlenya hingga pas di kotak yang disediakan

7.lalu klik sign up

8.lalu halaman baru terbuka yang menyuruh untuk memeriksa inbok pada emailmu,silahkan pergi dan klik url dengan tulisan verify your email yang diberikan oleh rollercoin team

9. Setelah kamu klik maka verifikasimu telah berhasil dan kamu akan dibawa ke situsnya,disini kamu diminta membuat avatar untuk profilmu,silahkan buat sesuai selera seperti pengaturan rambut,warna kulit,pakaian dan lain-lain,jika sudah save my profile

Dasar-Dasar Penambangan pada RollerCoin

Game kami adalah simulator penambangan, jadi ini adalah versi sederhana atau model dari cara melakukannya penambangan cryptocurrency di dunia nyata.

kunci untuk mempercepat memperoleh koin RLT yang nantinya di pakai untuk membeli mesin mining adalah meneyelesaikan tugas untuk menaikan EXP juga bermain game yang cukup mudah tiap hari, sudah banyak yang mengulas tentang hal itu.

ada juga cara mempercepat untuk memperoleh coin RLT yakni menyelesaikan tugas di kollom Task Wall

pilih tugas yang di rasa mudah dan mempunyai pembayaran RLTnya tinggi

Thursday 8 July 2021

New York Fed Announces the Start of Secondary Market Corporate Credit Facility Corporate Bond Sales on July 12

 July 08, 2021

The Federal Reserve Bank of New York today announced that the Secondary Market Corporate Credit Facility (SMCCF) will begin gradual sales of its corporate bond holdings on July 12, 2021. The New York Fed also released an updated set of Frequently Asked Questions regarding the sales of these assets.

This announcement of the start of SMCCF corporate bond sales follows the start of sales of SMCCF exchange-traded funds (ETF) on June 7, 2021 and is consistent with plans announced by the Board of Governors to begin winding down the SMCCF portfolio.

As with ETF sales, the sales of the SMCCF corporate bond holdings will be gradual and orderly, and will be conducted in a manner that aims to minimize the potential for any adverse impact on market functioning by taking into account liquidity conditions in the secondary market for corporate debt.

The SMCCF, which was announced on March 23, 2020, supported market liquidity for corporate debt by purchasing corporate bonds and ETFs in the secondary market through the date of its closure on December 31, 2020. As specified in the term sheet, the SMCCF purchased corporate bonds to create a corporate bond portfolio that was based on a broad, diversified market index of U.S. corporate bonds and purchased U.S.-listed ETFs whose investment objective was to provide broad exposure to the market for U.S. corporate bonds.

source : click here

European Central Bank's New Strategy Draws Line Under Policy Mistakes of the Past

 - ECB takes a “symmetric” view of its new 2% inflation target

- In a bid to avoid premature dampening of returning inflation

- Handing the Eurozone’s economies a longer recovery window

- Indicates lessons learned after debt crisis era policy mistakes

The European Central Bank’s new strategy could lead to an even more protracted period of low interest rates and quantitative easing (QE) while being similar in its market implications to that of the Federal Reserve (Fed), although it would be better understood as a reflection of the ECB having learned from the mistakes of the past..

European central bankers have agreed and voted to lift their inflation target from a slightly ambiguous “below but close to 2%” up to exactly the level of 2% following the first review and overhaul of its monetary policy strategy since 2003 and shortly after the formation of the Euro currency.

It may seem to readers like small beer and an act of splitting hairs to have any fanfare at all over a few basis points worth of difference in an inflation target, if that concept itself isn’t an obscurity, but the implications of Thursday’s announcement are significant for financial markets in the Eurozone as well as far afield and could remain so for years to come.

“The big cyclical/policy differentiator [in the currency market] is the underlying relative level of growth (which remains wide and where the US still substantially leads), as well as the historical success in generating inflation,” says Daniel Hui, an analyst at J.P. Morgan in a recent note.

“It is these two factors, rather than quarter-to-quarter volatility in sequential growth, that will determine the pecking order of central banks’ moves towards normalization, and hence relative currency performance,” Hui says subsequently.

For readers’ background, central banks are generally seeking to raise inflation when they reduce interest rates or enhance other macroeconomically supportive policies, and vice versa as it’s inflation pressures that monetary policymakers are charged with managing.

Europe’s inflation rates have remained trapped below even the ECB’s earlier targeted levels for almost all of the time since the Eurozone debt crisis which followed on from the global financial catastrophe of 2008, in contrast to outcomes in the U.S., UK and other economies.

Those latter countries have, however, also experienced generally lower levels of inflation in what has been a global trend of disinflation, the causes of which remain the subject of intense debate in financial, economic and policymaking circles.

This has necessitated a period spanning the best part of a decade in which Eurozone interest rates have been cut ever lower including below zero and eventually saw the ECB resort to money printing on a scale that few other central banks have.

But with the bank now targeting an even higher level of inflation what almost inevitably awaits is an even further prolonged period of low interest rates and QE than the already-lengthy expanse of time over which investors and traders saw the ECB continuing with current policies.

“This explicit reference to a temporary overshoot is not Fed-style inflation averaging. The ECB does not seem to be aiming explicitly at such an overshoot. But the ECB is signalling an even stronger tolerance of a temporary overshoot than we had expected,” says Holger Schmieding, chief economist at Berenberg.

“In a nod to the German constitutional court, Lagarde emphasised that the ECB will always include an assessment of the proportionality of its actions before taking a policy decision,” Schmieding adds.

Thursday’s announcement from the ECB is all the more significant because included alongside the new and slightly higher inflation target was a commitment to interpreting that target in a “symmetric” manner and explicitly seeking a period in which it tolerates the actual levels of inflation produced by the Eurozone economy being elevated above the target before lifting its interest rates.

This is something which could yet even further prolong the period over which it’s necessary for the ECB to support the economy with the government bond purchases carried out under its QE programme.

Greater tolerance for above-target inflation makes the new strategy similar in its implications to - though not the same as - the approach adopted last year by the Fed and could easily be interpreted by some observers as something of a direct response to that, although ECB President Christine Lagarde set out in a press conference on Thursday exactly why Frankfurt might be willing to tolerate higher inflation in future.

“We also acknowledge that, given the effective lower bound which constitutes a constraint on us, we have to take some special action to restore the symmetry if you will. And to that end we recognise that in case of adverse shocks it will require especially forceful or persistent action on the part of the ECB, and we also acknowledge that this may imply transitory periods where inflation is moderately above targets,” says ECB President Christine Lagarde, in a press conference following the announcement.

President Lagarde went on to explain in slightly different terminology that with the ECB’s interest rates and Eurozone’s bond yields at or near to their current record lows the bank cannot afford to gamble with the scarce inflation pressures it’s looking to foster and sustain with its monetary policies as they slowly but steadily return to the continent, which it would do by ending its QE programme or lifting interest rates too soon.

The Bank did infamously do the latter under predecessors of President Lagarde and today’s Governing Council during the debt crisis era, in what was a controversial policy mistake that Frankfurt can ill afford to make again, and one which Thursday’s announcement suggests the bank has learned from.

“You know there are multiple ways to deal with the effective lower bound and this is something that many central banks around the world are facing at the moment in these circumstances of low interest rates and our response to that effective lower bound - which we account for, which we acknowledge - is this especially forceful or persistent reaction in order to avoid that low inflation actually entrenching inflation expectations at a lower level than our target,” President Lagarde explained.

source : klik here 

Friday 17 July 2020

The Fibonacci channel projections (FCP)

A simple and elegant system graphic analysis for trading on any currency pairs and any timeframes. The FCP system is based on a graphic display of the psychology of market participants, expressed in the interaction of prices with TL, S/R, Fibonacci levels.

Advantages of FCP:
- Simplicity and, subject to proper money management, reliability.
- The ability to adapt to your strategy.
- May be in addition to your trading method.
- Versatility - any pairs, any timeframe.
- Clean charts.

FCP disadvantages:
- Requires some trading experience, not suitable for absolute beginners.
- MT4 is not the best software for graphical constructions.
- You can not immediately take and use.


A few words of introduction to clarify.
Everything that I will give here will be absolutely free. And I hope that from your side there will be no requests for private educations. I do not do it. I have enough of my trade and those small pips that I receive every day. As you know, I don’t need to prove anything to anyone. Ask everything you want to know here, let it be useful for other participants in the thread.

I will not give screenshots of my account or statistics of my trade to convince you (this is my business and my private territory). If you are competent, you will understand the essence and potential of the method without this. You will need only examples of charts and deals. You will find them in my profile. I will also post charts with examples of FCP here.

I also have the right not to disclose absolutely everything to you, I owe nothing to anyone other than thanking those people who helped me and from whom I studied at one time. Consider me returning my moral duty.

You may ask why I give you for free what brings me money... First, the money is brought not by the system itself, but by experience and knowledge. Secondly, it is not completely free. You will pay for it with your diligence, discipline and hours of training in front of your monitor. He, who is ready to make an effort, will receive the result. At its core, the FCP system is simple, but it is impossible to explain it right away (I think it’s even harmful), so be patient and you will succeed. I will explain FCP gradually and over time (or maybe very quickly) you will understand everything.

In this thread we discuss only FCP. I think you know how to behave so that everyone is comfortable and the thread is useful for its participants.
I hope this thread will become a place of communication for fans of this system.


The FCP system is based on a graphic display of the psychology of market participants, expressed in the interaction of prices with TL and Fibonacci levels. At the heart of FCP is the idea that the price, breaking out of a diagonal/horizontal channel or triangle, travels a distance equal to the projection of the FIBO levels on the channel width. We will start with the FIBO projection from the diagonal channel, built from the trend line, since this is the basis. In the FCP, for TL we will use the Sperandeo method (Trader Vic).

On the example of uptrend.
Find the last Highest Low (or bottom preceding the last maximum peak). Draw a beam from this point to the left. The first bottom that touches line the will be the second point. You got our trend line. Build the channel so that one of the sides coincides with the TL. Usually we get point 3 by placing a max (min) swing on the midline of the channel, but the best place for the point 3 would be a straight continuous movement as far as possible from point 1 or point 2. Measure the vertical width of the channel and build a FIBO grid equal to this width. When the price leaves the channel, place the FIBO grid so that the line 1.000 passes through the breakdown point of the TL. Lines 0.382 and 0.000 will correspond to our TP. Look for an entry after closing the signal candle at 1.000. SL is usually a few points above the level of 1.000 or extension 1.272.

My daily trading consists more of scalping on m5 or m1. However, I do not recommend starting with a timeframe below 1 hour until you have mastered the system well enough.


Time frame 4 hour

Saturday 13 October 2018

US: What slowdown signals......?

Wobbles in the equity market suggest a sense of unease regarding the outlook for the US economy. While there are certainly risks, there seems little prospect of an impending slowdown, particularly from the domestic side
After having expanded 4.2% annualised in 2Q18 and surveys, such as the Atlanta Fed NowGDP model suggesting the US economy performed just as well in 3Q18, financial markets are looking for signs that US economic activity will slow to a more “normal” rate in Q4. However, there seems little reason to expect that right now, especially from the domestic side of the equation.

Today’s University of Michigan consumer confidence index has held up well, dropping very modestly from 100.1 to 99.0. We suspect confidence will remain supported by the strong jobs market, gradual increases in wages and the ongoing support from the huge tax cuts that have come through this year. That said, the recent equity market wobble is something to watch while a renewed rise in gasoline prices and higher mortgage rates could also act as a partial brake.
The effects of hurricanes Florence and Michael could also support economic activity in Q4 as the rebuild/clean-up operations in place stimulate more activity in the affected regions. Corporate profit growth is also strong, and investment is likely to remain firm. There is no evidence of a slowdown in labour hiring. In fact, it is the exact opposite with the National Federation of Independent Businesses reporting that the proportion of small firms who can’t fill vacancies and the proportion looking to raise compensation are both at record highs. This suggests wage growth will likely rise from here, further supporting economic activity.

Of course, there are threats

We do expect US growth to slow next year as the fiscal tail winds fade and the effects of a stronger dollar and higher borrowing costs slow the pace of growth.

A spilt Congress after the mid-term elections will mean less prospect of additional fiscal stimulus while the trade and emerging market story may also act as a dampener on activity.

Nonetheless, we still think the US economy will expand by around 2.4% in 2019, and with core inflation and wages moving higher, the Federal Reserve will remain in tightening mode. We continue to look for a December interest rate rise from the Fed with three more hikes likely in 2019.

"So far we only have anecdotal evidence that firms are losing confidence and for now, the positives of tax cuts and strong economic momentum outweigh the trade impact"

Monday 22 January 2018

IMF Raises Global GDP Outlook To Highest In 7 Years Thanks To Trump Tax Cuts

Global growth will accelerate to the fastest pace in seven years as U.S. tax cuts spur businesses to invest, the International Monetary Fund says in its latest quarterly update to its World Economic Outlook.

The IMF raised its forecast for world expansion to 3.9% in 2018 and 2019, up 0.2% for both years from its projection in October. That would be the fastest rate of growth since 2011, when the world was bouncing back from the financial crisis.

It is also worth noting to what the IMF attributed its rebound in optimism: according to the DC-based organization, about half of the IMF’s global upgrade stems from the Republican tax cuts passed in December.

This is how the IMF explained its growing optimism about a global recovery:

Global economic activity continues to firm up. Global output is estimated to have grown by 3.7 percent in 2017, which is 0.1 percentage point faster than projected in the fall and ½ percentage point higher than in 2016. The pickup in growth has been broad based, with notable upside surprises in Europe and Asia. Global growth forecasts for 2018 and 2019 have been revised upward by 0.2 percentage point to 3.9 percent. The revision reflects increased global growth momentum and the expected impact of the recently approved U.S. tax policy changes.

The U.S. tax policy changes are expected to stimulate activity, with the short-term impact in the United States mostly driven by the investment response to the corporate income tax cuts. The effect on U.S. growth is estimated to be positive through 2020, cumulating to 1.2 percent through that year, with a range of uncertainty around this central scenario. Due to the temporary nature of some of its provisions, the tax policy package is projected to lower growth for a few years from 2022 onwards. The effects of the package on output in the United States and its trading partners contribute about half of the cumulative revision to global growth over 2018–19.

Broken down by region:

United States: IMF sees U.S. expansion at 2.7% this year, 0.4% higher than the fund expected in October. Curiously, the IMF predicts the tax plan will actually reduce U.S. growth after 2022, offsetting earlier gains, as some tax cuts expire and the U.S. tries to curb its budget deficit
Eurozone: the IMF sees 2018 GDP growth of 2.2%, up 0.3% from October.
Japan: IMF expected 2018 GDP growth of 1.2% in 2018, up 0.5% from October
China: GDP will grow 6.6%, the IMF predicts, up 0.1%
The fund left its 2018 forecast for India unchanged from three months ago, at 7.4%; it also kept its UK growth forecast for 2018 at 1.5%, while lowering its 2019 estimate by 1 point to 1.5%.

What about risks? Here again is the IMF:

Risks to the global growth forecast appear broadly balanced in the near term, but remain skewed to the downside over the medium term. On the upside, the cyclical rebound could prove stronger in the near term as the pickup in activity and easier financial conditions reinforce each other. On the downside, rich asset valuations and very compressed term premiums raise the possibility of a financial market correction, which could dampen growth and confidence. A possible trigger is a faster-than-expected increase in advanced economy core inflation and interest rates as demand accelerates. If global sentiment remains strong and inflation muted, then financial conditions could remain loose into the medium term, leading to a buildup of financial vulnerabilities in advanced and emerging market economies alike. Inward-looking policies, geopolitical tensions, and political uncertainty in some countries also pose downside risks.

The current cyclical upswing provides an ideal opportunity for reforms. Shared priorities across all economies include implementing structural reforms to boost potential output and making growth more inclusive. In an environment of financial market optimism, ensuring financial resilience is imperative. Weak inflation suggests that slack remains in many advanced economies and monetary policy should continue to remain accommodative. However, the improved growth momentum means that fiscal policy should increasingly be designed with an eye on medium-term goals—ensuring fiscal sustainability and bolstering potential output. Multilateral cooperation remains vital for securing the global recovery.

To summarize:

and visually

Happy days are here again: Global optimism has returned, and the IMF now expectingnearly 4% growth in 2018 and 2019, up 0.2% from just 3 months ago. That would be the fastest rate since 2011, when the world was bouncing back from the global financial crisis. IMF sees US expansion at 2.7% this year, an increase of 0.4 points from October. The Eurozone forecast is now 2.2%, up 0.3% points while China will expand at 6.6% growth.
Thank Trump (for now): half of the IMF’s global upgrade stems from the Republican tax cuts passed in December. And while the economy is set to enjoy the boost from tax cuts in the short term, the IMF predicts the tax plan will actually reduce U.S. growth after 2022, offsetting earlier gains.
The UK loses: The UK, alongside India,  was one of the only key economies to have an unchanged forecast. The IMF left the forecast for UK growth unchanged at 1.5%, understandable given Brexit uncertainty persists, while the UK's 2019 forecast was cut by -0.1%.
Finally, the IMF hopes global government will take this period of coordinated growth to implement much needed, and unpopular, reforms. The IMF will be disappointed.

Thursday 11 January 2018

The Equilibrium, a key to success!

Welcome to our blog: Equilibrium (POC) is a key to success.

On this blog you will receive information that will allow you to quickly identify trend reversals in all time units. You do not need any or few indicators. This approach requires a little effort and is not so easy to do, but it's worth it.

This blog is not an instruction book for flawless trades, it lives on the active trader who is willing to share his knowledge of the POC. If you want to participate, please post only blogs on the subject and if you like a post, the participants are happy about a Like.

I wish you success here and maybe we will hear from each other.


The Equilibrium, a key to success!

For some years now, I've stopped by at Forex Factory and was always excited about the great contributions. Interesting opinions, charts and indicators should help to support the private trader. In this shark tank the forex market is turbulent. The beginners have a hard time. Just think about football once. If you want to learn football, you can start in a youth team and play up to the NFL.
In the Forex market, there is no beginner market, because the beginner plays against the biggest professionals in the world. And how that ends, everyone can think.

Well, if there are such platforms as Forex Factory, where traders from all over the world come together to face the biggest traders in the world. Of course, every trader is the competitor to the other, but you help each other out.
When trading, there are many keys to success. In my first post I want to show you a key to success. I do not want to discuss with you the meaning or nonsense of this key, but about the implementation to success. If the post is of any use to you, use the information, otherwise forget it again.
I do not claim that this key is the master key that always works.
This key works without indicators for all traders (of course only those who want to) in all time units.

The key "Equilibrium"

1. The price is determined by supply and demand in each market.
2. Any influence on the price will be returned from the price
3. Before the price moves up or down, a balance between supply and demand creates a balance.
4. If this balance is disturbed, the price moves in the direction of supply or in the direction of demand.
5. The price moves as long as supply or demand until there is a balance again. Then the whole thing starts from the beginning.

Most candles are where there is a balance. We do not want to trade there, because the price is not moving very much. So we have to act when there is no balance.

There are 3 different states in the market.

1. Offer outweighs the demand = price drops
2. Demand outweighs the offer = price rises
3. Supply and demand are balanced
According to the sellers the offer (short) there, while the buyers represent the demand (long).

1. Offer = Seller (short)
2. Request = Buyer (long)

The quantity available on the market represents the supply, the demand is the quantity that the buyer would like to purchase.
If you shop at the weekly market, do you want to pay $ 6 or 4 $ for 4 lbs tomatoes? Of course, only $ 4. So, assuming the product has the same quality, you will buy from the dealer, who only charges $ 4 for the tomatoes. Thus, the demand will be greater at the cheaper dealer than at the expensive dealer.
So what does the trader who sells the tomatoes for $ 6 / lbs do? For now, he only needs to sell 66% as much as his competitor to earn the same. Or he waits until the competitor has no more tomatoes, then sells his tomatoes for $ 6 / lb and earns 50% more. In the worst case, he has to go down with the price. These competing factors (supply and demand) meet each other in all markets and regulate the price.
In the stock market environment, the price strives to find a so-called equilibrium. At that moment, buyers and sellers are equally satisfied until an imbalance rebalances in favor of supply or demand. Then the prices rise or fall again.
But even if you can accurately identify supply and demand, you will not get on with it. Decisive are the zones where the supply outweighs the demand or the demand the supply.
Known as resistance or support.
These reversal points, which often have an increased volume, must be recognized.
There are many ways to work with resistance and support lines, I myself work only with horizontal lines, because I have the best experience.

Option A: Confirmation of resistance or support
If you have drawn resistance and support lines in the chart, look how the price is there. A later entry will often save you from big losses, but you will get into a less favorable course and minimize your potential profit. Important: the highest possible risk-reward ratio.

Option B: Enter without confirmation
You are sure how the course will behave at your indicated resistance or support line and will board immediately without waiting for a confirmation. If your expectation works out, you are at a bargain price, improving the chance-risk ratio. If the trade unfolds to your disadvantage, you need to get out early to protect yourself from major losses.

Identification of the equilibrium

The big problem with the candles in the chart is the period in which they are formed. Surely you know the candlestick formations like hammer, doji, engulfing, etc. Sometimes you work, but often not. This is due to the temporal composition of the candles. Candle formations in a certain time frame are therefore just a mere random product of the time, the broker and the dealer. If you change the time frame in which the candles are formed, so would the candles and their formations change. The doji is now a normal candle with no indication of a course change.

Therefore one should work with different time units to identify a possible equilibrium. Many turning points can be identified by means of the Equilibrium, but not all. The price in the chart is always random and nobody can predict 100% of the turning points in the chart. It's not necessary with strategic money management either. Decisive is the payoff ratio and the expectancy.

You can often see these turning points in advance and use them to your advantage. You have to look at the past of the charts, because the big traders (elephants) leave their mark in the snow, which is easier to recognize than the tracks of the small traders (hares).
Another advantage is that you do not have to load your screen with unnecessary indicators. Although I work with a self-created dashboard, which tells me primarily the momentary strength of each currency pairs and, for example, the dollar index, but I'm interested in this just before the entry or exit.
My main charts are almost entirely made up of my own resistance and support lines. The Candle Strength indicator often helps me to identify the effective candle thickness, which is not always easy with the above points.

The best indicator is the price chart and the orderbook. But the price chart is a trailing indicator, because only when the candle is completed, I get a meaningful information on the price level. But then it is often too late.

In my preliminary analysis, start with the day or 4H chart to determine the rough direction.
The 1H chart shows me the medium term bias and the 15min / 5 min chart the short term turning points in the market.
A very important instrument for me is the 15 second bar chart. In high phases of volatility you can recognize a structure faster.
A catchy example of equilibrium was in the EURUSD. After the price had risen from 1.03249 on 26.12.16 with a triple top to 1.20921 on 08.09.17 and slowly went into the correction phase, many traders wondered how far this correction would go.

The interesting thing is that the price of 1.15529 in the monthly chart was already reflected in a 2003 Equilibrium.

If you look at the monthly chart from 1994 to 2018, you could derive some trading possibilities from the Equilibrium. This usually works in every unit of time.

Example Equilibrium in the 15 min chart between 11th and 13th October 2017

Now you will wonder if that always works. The answer is NO!
Then all traders would be millionaires. If someone wins $ 100, another will lose $ 100. That's the system.
If you have lost $ 100 you should not be sad. The money is not gone, it has only one other. And he's sure to be happy.
The identification of the relevant equilibrium is difficult and only possible through many years of experience. But as you can see, this trading option is well worth it. It is interesting for swing traders, day traders and scalpers and can be used in all timeframes.
To better identify an equilibrium, one should zoom down from higher time units to smaller time units. This filters out inaccuracies.

Incidentally, it is often helpful in the chart to remove the shadows to better recognize the Equilibrium.

Equilibrium in the 15 min chart with and without shadow

With Buy Limit and Sell Limit Order you can work well in this trading system, but is rather less recommended when scalping.
Even an Equlibrium professional will reach its limits, because trading has changed enormously in recent years. The price is unpredictable and still random. Even if you work with an orderbook, you often have to realize that there are many pseudo orders that are deleted shortly before the target. Oderflow, Footprint and Cumulative Delta are still good help, but unfortunately they can not look to the future.

Trading and making music have something in common. You can learn to play both, but in the end it's the right feeling and flair that determines success and failure.

I wish you a lot of flair and feeling for the great success.

source : by bionic